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Jessica Farley

Updated: February 20th, 2021 | Santa Barbara | Lawyer List J | Snyder Burnett Egerer LLP | Civil Litigation, Labor and Employment,

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Address: 5383 Hollister Avenue, Suite 240, santa-barbara, CA, 93111
Law Firm: Snyder Burnett Egerer, LLP
Phone: 805-692-2800
Fax: 805-692-2801
Website: http://www.sbelaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Labor and Employment
DescriptionJessica practices civil litigation with a focus on retail and premises liability and all aspects of employment law. While Jessica’s experience in each of these areas is diverse, her employment law practice is particularly multifaceted. In addition to representing employees, Jessica defends employers against wage and hour allegations and discrimination claims and advises employers to implement policies and procedures that comply with ever-changing law. Most recently, Jessica has utilized her knowledge in this field to instruct a class for Human Resources professionals at University of California Santa Barbara. Jessica is licensed to practice in the State of California, the United States Court for the Central District of California, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. She frequently appears before the Labor Commissioner, the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, and the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. Jessica is a proud 2006 alumna of UC Santa Barbara, where she received her B.A. in English and Law & Society and a minor in Spanish. She graduated summa cum laude and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. In 2011, Jessica received her J.D. from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington, where she was a founding member of the Labor and Employment Law Society and the Senior Managing Editor of the Federal Communications Law Journal. She enjoys participating in Santa Barbara’s legal community, most recently as the CLE Compliance Chair of the Santa Barbara Barristers.
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The firm’s approach to providing its services emphasizes a thorough understanding of our clients and their businesses. This close relationship with our clients enables us to develop legal strategies that will resolve their disputes efficiently and effectively. Innovative and creative legal solutions are the direct result of our attention to the specific interests and objectives of our clients. Moreover, as aggressive advocates, we do what we are…

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