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Christina M. Bartee

Updated: February 22nd, 2021 | Springfield | Lawyer List C | Batson Nolan PLC | Commercial Real Estate, Municipal Law, Probate, Real Estate, Wills,

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Address: 105 5th Avenue West, Suite 201, springfield, TN, 37172
Law Firm: Batson Nolan PLC
Website: http://www.batsonnolan.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Probate, Wills, Commercial Real Estate, Municipal Law
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Batson Nolan PLC

150 Years of Serving Businesses and Individuals in Tennessee and Kentucky.Batson Nolan PLC was established in 1860 in Clarksville, Tennessee and is a general services law firm. Our firm provides services across a broad range of practice areas to businesses, individuals and governmental entities. Our practice areas include, but are not limited to, litigation, mediation, real estate, social security disability, estate planning, domestic, bu…

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