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Terry D. Farmer

Updated: March 7th, 2021 | Albuquerque | Lawyer List T | Moses Dunn Farmer & Tuthill P.C. | Business Law, Commercial Litigation, Finance, Real Estate Law,

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Address: 612 First Street, N.W., albuquerque, NM, 87125-7047
Law Firm: Moses, Dunn, Farmer & Tuthill, P.C.
Phone: 505-843-9440
Fax: 505-247-3213
Website: http://www.moseslaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Litigation, Real Estate Law, Business Law, Finance
DescriptionListed in: Who’s Who in America, 2000-2003; Who’s Who in American Law, 2000-2003; Outstanding Lawyers of America, 2003.
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Moses Dunn Farmer & Tuthill P.C.

A dedicated group of attorneys serving Albuquerque for 60 Years.For over fifty years the Moses law firm has provided a broad range of legal services to individual, corporate, partnership and limited liability clients. The founder of the Firm, Donald B. Moses, received the State Bar of New Mexico Professionalism Award in 1993 for having exemplified the epitome of professionalism throughout his distinguished legal career. The Firm holds aff…

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