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Elizabeth A. Horwitz

Updated: March 8th, 2021 | Cincinnati | Lawyer List E | Wood & Lamping L.L.P. | Corporate Law, Land Use, Securities,

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Address: 600 Vine Street, Suite 2500, cincinnati, OH, 45202-2491
Law Firm: Wood & Lamping, L.L.P.
Phone: 513-448-1662
Fax: 513-852-6087
Website: http://www.woodlamping.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCorporate Law, Securities, Land Use
DescriptionOrder of the Curia. Member, Northern Kentucky University Law Review, 1982-1983.
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Wood & Lamping L.L.P.

Wood & Lamping’s proud tradition of serving greater Cincinnati began in 1927, making it one of the most experienced firms in the area. Our attorneys serve the constantly changing needs of clients ranging from multinational corporations, governments, health care and financial institutions to nonprofit organizations, as well as medium and small business organizations, individuals and sole proprietorships.

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