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Courtney Brewer

Updated: August 15th, 2020 | Tallahassee | Lawyer List C | The Mills Firm |

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Address: 325 North Calhoun Street, tallahassee, FL, 32301
Law Firm: The Mills Firm
Phone: 850-765-0897
Fax: (850) 270-2474
Website: http://www.mills-appeals.com

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The Mills Firm

John S. Mills specializes in Appellate Litigation in State and Federal Courts in nearly every practice area.The Mills Firm is a law firm that focuses on appellate litigation in Florida’s state and federal courts. The firm handles appeals in nearly all areas of the law. For personal injury and wrongful death cases, the firm exclusively represents the injured and their families, but in other civil cases, the firm represents a wide range of…

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