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Tina Broadway

Updated: April 9th, 2021 | Charlotte | Lawyer List T | Lutzel Broadway & Associates |

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Address: 3440 Toringdon Way, Suite 308, charlotte, NC, 28277
Law Firm: Lutzel, Broadway & Associates
Phone: 704-343-5727
Website: https://www.lutzelbroadway.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionTina Broadway began her academic career at Auburn University where she graduated with high honors with a degree in Criminal Justice. She then attended the University of Alabama School of Law. After graduating from law school, Tina clerked for the Circuit Court of Alabama. In 1993, Tina began a general practice and quickly focused her attention to real estate law. In 1997, Tina decided to strike out on her own, practicing real estate law. Tina has spent over twenty years practicing real estate law, representing the people of North Carolina while raising her two sons. On the weekends, she enjoys cheering on her Auburn Tigers, the Carolina Panthers and the Carolina Hurricanes.
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Lutzel Broadway & Associates

Practical Advice for the Real World in Real Estate, Estate Planning, Business Law and Asset Protection. Se Habla Espanol.At Lutzel, Broadway & Associates, we focus our practice to four specific areas of the law: Real Estate, Estate Planning (Wills and Trusts), Business Law and Asset Protection. By concentrating our practice to just four disciplines, we are able to provide the highest level of knowledge, service and counsel to our clien…

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