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Richard E. Boyle

Updated: April 9th, 2021 | Memphis | Lawyer List R | Boyle Brasher LLC | Civil Practice, Class Actions, Commercial Litigation, Premises Liability, Products Liability,

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Address: 80 Monroe Avenue, Suite 410, memphis, TN, 38173
Law Firm: Boyle Brasher LLC
Phone: 901-521-2860
Fax: 901-521-2861
Website: http://www.boylebrasher.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Practice, Class Actions, Commercial Litigation, Premises Liability, Products Liability
DescriptionListed in: The Best Lawyers in America; Super Lawyers. Appointee to Advisory Group under the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990.
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Boyle Brasher LLC

Boyle Brasher LLC is a full service civil litigation firm dedicated to vigorously representing its clients to achieve the best possible outcomes in an ethical and cost efficient manner.

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