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Nicole Liguori Micklich

Updated: April 18th, 2021 | Westerly | Lawyer List N | Urso Liguori & Micklich P.C. | Construction, Contracts, Litigation,

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Address: 85 Beach Street, Building C, westerly, RI, 02891
Law Firm: Urso, Liguori & Micklich, P.C.
Phone: 401-596-7751
Fax: 4015967963
Website: https://www.ulmlawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeConstruction, Litigation, Contracts
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Urso Liguori & Micklich P.C.

At Urso, Liguori & Micklich, P.C., we provide the highest level of legal services from our offices in Westerly. Our areas of practice include land use and construction law, franchise law, trusts and estates, and real estate law, which we practice across the State of Rhode Island. We are committed to strongly advocating on behalf of our clients while providing complete and clear information so that they can make confident decisions. Together we cr…

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