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Justen Peter Phelps

Updated: April 25th, 2021 | Wichita | Lawyer List J | Gibson Watson Marino LLC | Civil Litigation, Construction Law, Insurance Defense, Medical Malpractice Defense, Municipal Law,

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Address: 301 N. Main, Suite 1300, wichita, KS, 67202
Law Firm: Gibson Watson Marino LLC
Phone: 316-264-7321
Website: http://www.gibsonwatsonlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMedical Malpractice Defense, Insurance Defense, Civil Litigation, Municipal Law, Construction Law
DescriptionJusten Phelps’s practice focuses primarily on medical malpractice defense, insurance defense, and general civil litigation matters touching on a wide variety of areas including consumer protection claims, contractual disputes, corporate ownership and operation, and construction. He is an experienced litigator with extensive courtroom experience. As a prosecutor, prior to joining Gibson Watson Marino, LLC, Justen tried more than 50 felony jury trials and argued before the Kansas Court of Appeals. Justen grew up in Wichita, KS, and attended college at the University of Kansas where he received a B.A. in History. He then attended law school at Ave Maria School of Law where he graduated with honors in 2006. Justen is admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Kansas, the Supreme Court of Missouri and the United States District Court for Kansas. Justen serves as the City Prosecutor for the City of Rose Hill, City of Augusta, and the City of Udall. Past Positions Assistant District Attorney in Sedgwick County, KS Assistant County Attorney in Crawford County, KS Ancillary Businesses City Prosecutor for the City of Rose Hill
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