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Michael W. Hopper

Updated: June 5th, 2021 | Raleigh | Lawyer List M | Hopper Law Office | Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Chapter 13, Bankruptcy Chapter 7,

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Address: 8315 Six Forks Road, Suite 103, raleigh, NC, 27615
Law Firm: Hopper Law Office
Phone: 919-578-5319
Fax: 919-809-8853
Website: http://www.raleighlawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBankruptcy, Bankruptcy Chapter 13, Bankruptcy Chapter 7
DescriptionMichael W. Hopper is a goal-oriented, determined Raleigh attorney. When Mr. Hopper takes on a new case, it is always his number one priority to thoroughly review the client’s situation and discuss their particular goals in order to help them make the decision that is truly the best for them not just in the short term but in the future as well. Most importantly, he is a caring and compassionate attorney that is dedicated to the needs of his clients. His passion for the law and for people provides him with the unique ability to effectively navigate stressful situations. Previously Held Professional Credentials & Affiliations Texas Property and Casualty Insurance License Texas Life and Health Insurance License Professional Credentials & Affiliation Member of the Bar, State of North Carolina American Bar Association North Carolina Bar Association American Bankruptcy Institute
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Hopper Law Office

We will guide you in the right direction!Our firm is distinguished from others by the level of commitment we give to each client. At Hopper Law Office, we are not interested in quantity, but quality. We work closely with our clients and fight to help them protect their futures, families, and livelihood. Don’t just take our word for it, however. View our testimonials page to see what past clients have to say.The attorney’s have b…

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