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Patrick Ladd Wheeler Sefton

Updated: June 7th, 2021 | Montgomery | Lawyer List P | Sasser Sefton & Brown P.C. | Commercial Litigation, Labor and Employment,

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Address: 445 Dexter Avenue, Suite 8050, montgomery, AL, 36104
Law Firm: Sasser, Sefton & Brown, P.C.
Phone: 334-230-5884
Fax: 334-532-3435
Website: http://www.sasserlawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Litigation, Labor and Employment
DescriptionPresident, Auburn University Student Government Association, 1992-1993. Lecturer, ABICLE and Alabama Defense Lawyers Association; Listed in Alabama Super Lawyers for Banking Law (2011 and 2017).
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Sasser Sefton & Brown P.C.

Sasser, Sefton & Brown, P.C. is in general civil practice representing a broad spectrum of clients in the State of Alabama and the Southeast, including some of the South’s largest lending and financial institutions and a number of publicly-traded companies. The firm employs attorneys concentrating in a number of civil practice areas, including Litigation, Banking and Mortgage Banking Law, encompassing Regulation, Compliance and Litigation, Busine…

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