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Jonathan O. Steen

Updated: July 3rd, 2021 | Jackson | Lawyer List J | Spragins Barnett & Cobb PLC |

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Address: 312 East Lafayette, jackson, TN, 38302-2004
Law Firm: Spragins, Barnett & Cobb, PLC
Phone: 731-506-4877
Fax: 731-424-0562
Website: http://www.spraginslaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Medical Malpractice Defense, Commercial Litigation, Construction Litigation, Business Litigation, Estate Litigation, Guardianship and Conservatorship, Appellate Practice, Zoning, Planning and Land Use
DescriptionBlue Key National Honor Society. St. Olaf College Board of Regents, 1989-1991. Howell Edmunds Jackson American Inn of Court (Founding Member, 2009; President, 2012-2013). Co-Author: ‘Recent Developments in Medicine & Law,’ 48 Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 391 (2012); Co-Author: ‘Recent Developments in Medicine & Law,’ 47 Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 393 (2011); Author: ‘The Secret of Eternal Life: Follow Rule 69.04 and Save Your Client’s Credit Judgment from an Untimely Death,’ 47 No. 9, Tenn. B.J. 14 (2011); Co-Author: ‘Recent Developments in Medicine & Law,’ 45 Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 497 (2010); Author: ‘Running Out of Time? Beware of the One-Year Statute of Limitations for Statutory Penalties,’ 41 No. 5, Tenn. B.J. 14 (2005)
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Spragins Barnett & Cobb PLC

Spragins, Barnett & Cobb, PLC specializes in meeting the complete needs of its insurance, commercial, corporate and individual clients. With an emphasis on civil litigation, the Firm is known for handling insurance defense claims throughout West Tennessee. The Firm also represents and advises numerous employers in employment discrimination claims. The Firm is committed to the development of industry in Jackson and throughout the West Tennessee…

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