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Todd A. Johnson

Updated: July 5th, 2021 | Springfield | Lawyer List T | Ellis Ellis Hammons & Johnson P.C. | Commercial Litigation, Commercial Transactions, Eminent Domain, Labor and Employment, Real Estate,

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Address: 2808 S. Ingram Mill, A104, springfield, MO, 65804
Law Firm: Ellis, Ellis, Hammons & Johnson, P.C.
Phone: 417-866-5091
Fax: 417-866-1064
Website: http://www.eehjfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLabor and Employment, Commercial Litigation, Eminent Domain, Real Estate, Commercial Transactions
DescriptionMember: Journal of Air Law and Commerce, 1986-1988; Moot Court. Author: ‘Damages and Other Remedies in Franchise Disputes,’ 13th Annual National Franchise Institute, 1991.
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Ellis Ellis Hammons & Johnson P.C.

In 1977, the firm was established primarily to represent management in matters involving labor and employment relations before federal and state courts and administrative agencies. The founder of the firm, Ransom Ellis, Jr., has been actively engaged in representation of management from 1952 to the present. Under his direction, the firm has continued to advise and defend management in all areas of labor and employment law. In addition to these se…

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