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Samuel R. Anderson

Updated: July 10th, 2021 | Chattanooga | Lawyer List S | Luther - Anderson PLLP | Arbitration, Insurance Defense, Mediation, Products Liability, Professional Liability,

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Address: 100 West Martin Luther King Boulevard, chattanooga, TN, 37401-0151
Law Firm: Luther – Anderson, PLLP
Phone: 423-208-9196
Fax: 423-265-9903
Website: http://www.lutheranderson.com

TitleSenior Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeInsurance Defense, Professional Liability, Products Liability, Arbitration, Mediation
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Luther - Anderson PLLP

One of Chattanooga’s most established law firms; experience and expertise you need, the results you expect.Our firm evolved as a defense firm for the insurance industry and consequently, we regularly engage in all areas of practice where risks are undertaken by the industry. Principally, this includes litigation in the areas of automobile liability, workers’ compensation, products liability, professional liability, aircraft liability, pre…

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