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Robert Hoover

Updated: September 1st, 2021 | San Jose | Lawyer List R | Hoover Krepelka LLP | Divorce, Family Law,

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Address: 1520 The Alameda, Suite 200, san-jose, CA, 95126
Law Firm: Hoover Krepelka, LLP
Phone: 669-721-9545
Website: https://hooverkrepelkamh.com/

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeDivorce, Family Law
DescriptionRobert L. Hoover is a native Californian and graduate of UC Santa Clara School of Law. He began practicing law in 1960 and has steadily grown his practice into the largest Northern California firm exclusively focused on Family Law. Mr. Hoover has served in the military as an Air Force Instructor, has been employed as a Deputy Sheriff, and has been instrumental in establishing Family Law as a unique and important area of law practice. His efforts in working with the legal community resulted in the Judge Pro Tem system that is a fundamental part of the Santa Clara County Court system today. Mr. Hoover lectures extensively and has been profiled in several national publications. He has been a trusted attorney to hundreds of C-level executives in Silicon Valley and has successfully handled many high-profile, hundred-million dollar divorce cases. Mr. Hoover has completed 18 marathons and two ultra-marathons. He has bicycled from Canada to Mexico and is an international kayaker. He has been a technical mountain climber for many years and recently completed the Kalalau Trail, one of the world’s most difficult, breathtaking and beautiful hiking adventures. Mr. Hoover is an avid reader and enjoys keeping current in all national and international events. He enjoys traveling the globe with his family, friends and his lovely wife Gale.
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Hoover Krepelka LLP

The largest family law firm in Santa Clara County to exclusively focus in divorce and family law. Established in 1960 with over 100 years of collective experience. Let our experience be your advantage.One of the largest and most highly regarded family law firms in Northern California, Hoov…

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