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Mark Foster

Updated: September 8th, 2020 | Evansville | Lawyer List M | Foster O'Daniel Hambidge & Lynch LLP | DWI,

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Address: 3820 Oak Hill Road, evansville, IN, 47711
Law Firm: Foster, O’Daniel, Hambidge & Lynch, LLP
Phone: 812-424-8101
Fax: 812-437-8364
Website: http://www.fohlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeDWI
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi. Certified Field Sobriety Testing, NHTSA; Certified BAC Datamaster Operator, NPAS. Contributing Author and Lecturer: ‘Defense Techniques for DWI Clients,’ Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, 1989; ‘DWI Dram Shop,’ (ICLEF), 1990; ‘Criminal Law,’ (ICLEF), 1990; ‘Planning Your First Criminal Defense,’ ICLEF, 1997; ‘DWI,’ ICLEF, 1998; ‘What Every Lawyer Should Know about DWI,’ ICLEF, 1998; ‘DWI,’ ICLEF, 1999; ‘DWI & HTV-Quebec City, Quebec’ ICLEF, 1999; ‘Traffic Law School’ ICLEF, 2000; ‘Criminal Law-Las Vegas’ ISBA & ICLEF, 2001; ‘The Best of DWI’ ICLEF, 2001; ‘Civil and Criminal Evidence’ ICLEF, 2001; ‘DUI Defense’ ICLEF, 2002; ‘Misdemeanor Court’ Legal Aid Society, 2002; ‘Traffic Law School’ ICLEF, 2002; ‘DWI Experts, Technology and Equipment,’ ICLEF, 2003; ‘Hot Topics-DWI,’ EBA, 2003; ‘Traffic School for Lawyers,’ ICLEF, 2004, ‘DWI’ ICLEF 2005; ‘DWI’ ICLEF, 2006; ‘DWI’ ICLEF, 2008. Instructor, Criminal Law and Procedure, University of Evansville, 1984-1992. Deputy Prosecutor, Vanderburgh County, 1983-1985. Referee, Vanderburgh Superior Court, Misdemeanor/Traffic Division, 1985-1987.
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Foster O'Daniel Hambidge & Lynch LLP

Representing clients in all Criminal, Family Law, Divorce, Wills & ProbateIn January 2000, Mark Foster and Conor O’Daniel joined together to create the Evansville, IN based law firm now known as FOSTER O’DANIEL, HAMBIDGE & LYNCH, LLP. In doing so, the resulting lawyer office grew to represent attorney services for more criminal defendants charged with DUI and other driving offenses than any other firm in Southern Indiana. Over the past…

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