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Taryn Zimmerman

Updated: October 1st, 2021 | Warren | Lawyer List T | DeTommaso Law Group LLC | Divorce, Family Law, Matrimonial Law,

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Address: 58 Mount Bethel Road, Suite 303, warren, NJ, 07059
Law Firm: DeTommaso Law Group, LLC
Phone: 908-300-3126
Fax: 908-595-0343
Website: http://www.detommasolawgroup.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Matrimonial Law, Divorce
DescriptionThe summer following her college graduation, Taryn began her legal career as a paralegal at a small matrimonial law firm. Under the tutelage of an esteemed colleague, she learned that practicing matrimonial law requires more than an extensive knowledge of the law; it requires helping clients identify realistic goals and navigating them through one of the most stressful times of their life to achieve those goals. Her compassion, tenacity, tireless advocacy and ability to identify practical solutions to complicated problems provides her clients a sense of calm during the chaos of divorce. Taryn’s dynamic legal training sets her apart from others in her field. Having gained significant experience in securities law early in her career; her litigation, arbitration and negotiation experience in both securities and family law make her particularly well qualified to represent divorce clients with financial, business, executive compensation or spousal maintenance interests at stake. Often drawing on her skills developed during her ten years on Wall Street, she has a unique understanding of high-income compensation structures and that complex assets should not be simply cut in half. Since family law is fraught with contention, Taryn understands a good attorney is not one who litigates every issue, but the right issue. In representing her clients, she remains open to amicable resolutions that serve a client’s big-picture well-being. However, should the need arise, Taryn is not one to back down from a fight. Despite her small stature, she is a formidable force at the negotiating table and in the courtroom. Having the right attorney at your side makes all the difference. Our firm prides itself on educating clients about their rights relative to support, maintenance, equitable distribution of property and creative solutions for child custody and time-sharing. We respect our clients’ situations and offer candid advice on what it will take to achieve their goals and get to work on the resolution they need. While attending law school as an evening student, Taryn maintained a full-time career in the financial services industry in the Office of General Counsel at UBS Financial Services and Credit Suisse. After completing a judicial clerkship with the Honorable Arthur Bergman, J.S.C. in the Superior Court of New Jersey, Taryn dedicated her talents to the exclusive practice of family and matrimonial matters.
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