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Michael T. Etzrodt

Updated: October 28th, 2021 | New York City | Lawyer List M | Bender & Rosenthal LLP | Family Law, Matrimonial Law,

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Address: 451 Park Avenue South, 8th Floor, new-york, NY, 10016-7390
Law Firm: Bender & Rosenthal LLP
Phone: 212-725-7111
Fax: 212-725-3737
Website: http://www.brmatlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMatrimonial Law, Family Law
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Bender & Rosenthal LLP

Distinguished Divorce and Family Law AttorneysBender & Rosenthal LLP is a boutique law firm that provides guidance, advocacy, and personal service to clients encountering a family dispute, involving child custody and visitation, child support, spousal support, distribution of property, marital agreements, and domestic partnership agreements. During our many years of experience, we have acquired a unique understanding of the challenges tha…

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