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Mark Barrow

Updated: November 19th, 2021 | Columbia | Lawyer List M | Sweeny Wingate & Barrow P.A. | Construction Law, Insurance Defense, Medical Malpractice, Products Liability, Toxic Torts,

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Address: 1515 Lady Street, columbia, SC, 29201
Law Firm: Sweeny, Wingate & Barrow, P.A.
Phone: 803-256-2233
Fax: 803-256-9177
Website: http://www.swblaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMedical Malpractice, Products Liability, Insurance Defense, Toxic Torts, Construction Law
DescriptionMark is an experienced litigator who has tried numerous cases in such areas as medical malpractice, product liability, truck and transportation litigation, insurance coverage, and others. His practice also includes appellate proceedings before the South Carolina Supreme Court and the United States Court of Appeals.A native of Columbia, South Carolina, Mark received his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of South Carolina. He is a member of the Richland County and South Carolina Bar Associations and is active in the South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys Association, the Defense Research Institute (DRI), the Transportation Industry Defense Association (TIDA), the Transportation Lawyers Association, the Association of Transportation Practitioners, the American Trucking Association, and the American Arbitration Association. He served on the board of directors for USLAW and is a former chairman of its Transportation Committee. He is a frequent speaker at national seminars on his practice related topics.Mark is married to the former Margaret Harper of Knoxville, Tennessee. They have three children. He enjoys golf and other sports. He is an Elder and Sunday School teacher at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia.
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Sweeny Wingate & Barrow P.A.

Sweeny, Wingate & Barrow, P.A. was started in 1993 when the named partners combined their 35 years of litigation and transactional experience to create a firm committed to excellence, integrity, and service. Since that time, the Firm has grown to seventeen lawyers of varying degrees of experience. Our firm is structured to meet the litigation and consulting needs of individuals, businesses and insurance companies throughout South Carolina. Our…

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