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Laurie L. Janus

Updated: December 15th, 2021 | Wilmington | Lawyer List L | The Law Offices of Kathleen Shannon Glancy P.A. | Litigation, Social Security Disability,

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Address: 114 South Front Street, wilmington, NC, 28401
Law Firm: The Law Offices of Kathleen Shannon Glancy, P.A.
Phone: 910-442-8739
Fax: 910-763-2967
Website: http://www.glancynet.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeSocial Security Disability, Litigation
DescriptionLaurie Janus received her undergraduate degree in 1990 from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, and her law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1994. She has practiced criminal law in Virginia, and Social Security Disability law in Oregon and Wisconsin. Before moving to North Carolina, she was an assistant director at Legal Action of Wisconsin, where she helped hundreds of disabled prisoners get Social Security and other public benefits. She has been associated with the law firm of Kathleen Shannon Glancy, PA, since her move to Wilmington in 2012. Ms. Janus is a member of the National Organization for Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) and the North Carolina Advocates for Justice (NCAJ).
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The Law Offices of Kathleen Shannon Glancy P.A.

Board Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation w/ 30 years experience in Workers Comp & Social SecurityThe Law Office of Kathleen Shannon Glancy, P.A. in Wilmington, North Carolina is a well-respected firm comprised of experienced attorneys who focus on workers’ compensation and Social Security law. Attorneys throughout the state who practice in these fields have given our skilled lawyers positive references due to being impressed wit…

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