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Don White

Updated: January 5th, 2022 | Riverton | Lawyer List D | White & White P.C. Attorneys at Law | Estate Planning, Wills,

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Address: 420 E. Washington Avenue, riverton, WY, 82501
Law Firm: White & White, P.C. Attorneys at Law
Phone: 307-335-3320
Fax: 307-856-6675
Website: http://www.whiteandwhitelaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Planning, Wills
DescriptionDon began practicing in Riverton, Wyoming in 1960. Don has represented various entities in Fremont County for over 40 years including Riverton Valley Irrigation District, High Plains Power, and Wind River School District. Don’s area of practice is concentrated in Estate Planning, Wills, Living Trusts, and Real Estate Transactions. Don is a Creighton Law School graduate.
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White & White P.C. Attorneys at Law

Over 40 years experience in Wyoming with a reputation for honesty and integrityWhite & White, P.C. is a Wyoming General Practice Law Firm with over 40 years experience. White & White, P. C., is located in beautiful Fremont County. What We Do As a General Practice, White & White provides experience in Contracts, Criminal Law, Corporations, Personal Injury, Education Law, Tribal Law, Civil Litigation, Estate Planning, Water Law, Divor…

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