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Kembra Sexton Taylor

Updated: January 16th, 2022 | Frankfort | Lawyer List K | Kirkland Cain & Horn PLLC |

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Address: 305 Ann Street, Suite 300, frankfort, KY, 40602
Law Firm: Kirkland, Cain & Horn, PLLC
Phone: 502-223-1200
Fax: 502-227-7385
Website: https://www.kchfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLabor, Appellate, Insurance Defense, Administrative Law, Government, Employment Law
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Kirkland Cain & Horn PLLC

Kirkland, Cain & Horn, PLLC Frankfort Business AttorneysAt the Frankfort office of Kirkland, Cain & Horn, PLLC, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to effectively represent individuals, businesses and other organizations of any size operating anywhere in Kentucky. Our Frankfort office is located very near to the Capitol Building because we work frequently with Kentucky’s lawmakers and civil servants to find solutions fo…

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