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Ben Taylor

Updated: September 26th, 2020 | Mesquite | Lawyer List B | Ted B. Lyon & Associates P.C. | Appellate Practice,

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Address: 18601 LBJ Freeway, Suite 525, mesquite, TX, 75150
Law Firm: Ted B. Lyon & Associates P.C.
Phone: 972-295-9642
Fax: 972-279-3021
Website: http://www.tedlyon.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAppellate Practice
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Ted B. Lyon & Associates P.C.

Texas Personal Injury attorneys representing those injured due to another or a company’s negligence.At the Law Firm of Ted B. Lyon & Associates, we are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our clients. We work daily with clients who are facing difficult personal and legal challenges. We take pride in our ability to help our clients and take our responsibility as legal advocates very seriously. We understand that th…

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