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Matthew E. Burke

Updated: February 25th, 2022 | Boston | Lawyer List M | The McLaughlin Brothers P.C. | Civil Litigation, Eminent Domain, Family Law, Real Estate,

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Address: One Washington Mall, 16th Floor, boston, MA, 02108-2616
Law Firm: The McLaughlin Brothers, P.C.
Phone: 617-523-7165
Fax: 617-227-5240
Website: http://www.mclaughlinbrothers.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEminent Domain, Real Estate, Civil Litigation, Family Law
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The McLaughlin Brothers P.C.

The McLaughlin Brothers, P.C. was founded more than 80 years ago by George, Walter and Charles McLaughlin. The three brothers were trial attorneys who were all elected to fellowship in the American College of Trial Lawyers. Walter H. McLaughlin served as Chief Justice of the Superior Court and George A. McLaughlin, Sr. became dean of the Massachusetts eminent domain bar.The McLaughlins established themselves as experts in the complex area of e…

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