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Arthur C. Preciado

Updated: March 18th, 2022 | Pasadena | Lawyer List A | Gutierrez Preciado & House LLP |

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Address: 3020 East Colorado Boulevard, pasadena, CA, 91107
Law Firm: Gutierrez Preciado & House, LLP
Phone: 888-708-0903
Fax: 626.449.2330
Website: https://www.gphlawyers.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeArbitration, Civil Litigation, Civil Practice, Discrimination, Dog Bites, Education Law, Government, Labor and Employment, Litigation, Mediation
DescriptionMr. Preciado has tried 26 civil cases to jury verdict, has been a member of ABOTA since 2007 and is a former Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney. He defends government entities against tort claims, and employees against employment law claims. His tort defense has included several high profile, high exposure claims for abuse of students by other students and by school staff. Case Experience and History Mr. Preciado persuaded a Los Angeles Superior Court jury that police officers had good reason to detain the plaintiff temporarily to inquire about possible involvement in a crime, and that they did not use excessive force. Patino v. Los Angeles Unified School District, L.A. Superior Court Case No. BC430225. Mr. Preciado obtained a defense verdict against a claim of discrimination for failure to promote. Ronald Riley v. County of San Bernardino, San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. SCVSS100364. Mr. Preciado obtained a defense verdict against a claim that a student was injured in gym class because of negligent supervision. Daisy Castillo v. LAUSD, L.A. Superior Court Case No. BC293550.
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