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John B. Ciccolella

Updated: March 30th, 2022 | Colorado Springs | Lawyer List J | Ciccolella Family Law PC |

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Address: 2519 W. Pikes Peak Avenue, colorado-springs, CO, 80904
Law Firm: Ciccolella Family Law, PC
Phone: 719-636-1561
Fax: 719-444-0155
Website: http://www.ciccolellafamilylaw.com

TitleSenior Attorney
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Spousal Support, Premarital Agreements, Visitation Rights
DescriptionAuthor: ‘The Maltreated Child,’ National Association of Counsel for Children, 1979; ‘A Study of Colorado Law and Procedures in Dependency and Neglect Proceedings,’ National Association of Counsel for Children, 1979-. Municipal Judge: Manitou Springs, Colorado, 1975-1993; Palmer Lake, Colorado, 1992-; Monument, Colorado, 1995-. Past President, Pikes Peak Children’s Advocates. Board of Directors, National Association of Counsel for Children (Member, Board of Directors, 2006-2013).
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Ciccolella Family Law PC

CICCOLELLA FAMILY LAW, PC, is a law firm limited to the practice of Family Law cases. With a support staff that includes a Certified Public Accountant, social worker and paralegal, it tailors a team approach to the resolution, and if necessary, the litigation of issues collateral to the breakdown of the marriage. The firm has a significant practice in custody, including intrastate and interstate custody issues and financial issues related to divo…

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