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Julie A. W. Fraser

Updated: April 10th, 2022 | Norwalk | Lawyer List J | Chalumeau Law Group LLC | Breach of Contract, Personal Injury, Restraining Orders,

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Address: 40 Richards Avenue, 7th Floor, norwalk, CT, 06854
Law Firm: Chalumeau Law Group, LLC
Phone: 203-957-8082
Fax: 203-883-0337
Website: http://www.chalumeaulawgroup.com

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury, Breach of Contract, Restraining Orders
DescriptionJulie A. W. Fraser is a seasoned litigator and mediator with almost ten years of experience representing clients in both Connecticut and Massachusetts state and federal courts in both matrimonial and other civil litigation matters. Prior to becoming an of counsel attorney at the Chalumeau Law Group, Attorney Fraser worked for a boutique litigation firm in Fairfield for almost three years honing her Connecticut litigation skills. Assisting men, women and children through the difficult emotional time created by a dividing family is of particular interest to Attorney Fraser. To that end, she assists parties already represented by counsel in a ‘divorce coach’ capacity to assist with the emotional adjustment necessary in any divorce situation while able to answer procedural questions and coordinate with counsel to provide the most well rounded representation possible and common sense advice schooled by years of legal practice. Additionally, Attorney Fraser provides divorce mediation for couples who want to keep the costs of divorce and post-divorce matters under control while being provided the assistance of experienced legal counsel to ensure their rights are protected. Professional Associations & Memberships Fairfield County Bar Association Pro Bono Activities Connecticut Legal Services, pro bono legal services CT Moms – Vice President and Chief Legal Advisor Suffolk University Law School – Family Advocacy Clinical Program National Women’s Law Student Association – Fundraising Chair, National Conference 2003
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Chalumeau Law Group LLC

Norwalk, Connecticut firm providing quality affordable representation in all areas of family law and personal injury including divorce, child custody and support, car accidents, dog bites and burn injuries.At Chalumeau Law Group, LLC, in Stamford & Norwalk, Connecticut, we represent individuals in some of the most difficult legal battles they will face. Our firm is focused on providing aggressive, affordable representation that achieves r…

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