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Margaret Shehan

Updated: May 3rd, 2022 | Nashville | Lawyer List M | Milom Horsnell Crow Kelley Beckett Shehan PLC |

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Address: 3310 West End Avenue, Suite 610, nashville, TN, 37203
Law Firm: Milom Horsnell Crow Kelley Beckett Shehan PLC
Phone: 629-401-4659
Fax: 615-254-4490
Website: http://www.milomlaw.com

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Milom Horsnell Crow Kelley Beckett Shehan PLC

Drawing on more than 40 years of continuous legal experience, the attorneys of Milom Horsnell Crow Kelley Beckett Shehan PLC build on the lessons of the past in assisting clients in preparing for the future. MHCK attorneys have long maintained a leading practice in music publishing, recorded music and copyright protection and have expanded their national and international practice to include the areas of media and technology. Our members also pro…

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