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Edward D. Earl

Updated: May 22nd, 2022 | Clinton | Lawyer List E | Felt Evans LLP | Bankruptcy, Environmental, Labor,

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Address: 4-6 North Park Row, clinton, NY, 13323
Law Firm: Felt Evans LLP
Phone: 315-853-4436
Fax: 315-853-4511
Website: http://www.felt-evans.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBankruptcy, Environmental, Labor
DescriptionAssistant Counsel, Kennedy Space Center (NASA), 1967-1975; Assistant Public Defender, Oneida County, 1979-1980.
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Felt Evans LLP

Attorneys at Law ‘Quality Legal Service Since 1804’Felt Evans LLP was formed by the merger of two historic Central New York law firms: Felt, Hubbard, Bobrow & Hallak and Evans, Lutz & Panzone. Felt Evans LLP is a full service law firm with an emphasis on quality and efficiency. We practice before all State and Federal Courts and administrative agencies.

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