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John D. Mosley

Updated: May 30th, 2022 | Kaufman | Lawyer List J | John D. Mosley P.C. | Estate Planning, Probate, Wills,

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Address: 201 West Mulberry Street, kaufman, TX, 75142-1940
Law Firm: John D. Mosley, P.C.
Phone: 972-932-2127
Fax: 972-962-3733
Website: http://johnmosleylaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeProbate, Wills, Estate Planning
DescriptionDedicated to serving my Texas clientsJohn D. Mosley, P.C. serves individuals and businesses in the city of Kaufman and the surrounding counties in Texas.Delta Theta Phi. City Attorney, Kaufman, 1972-2004. Counsellor, Baylor Law School; Director, Baylor University Alumni Association, 1992-1995; Executive Committee, Baylor Law School, Alumni Association, 1993-1995. Life
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John D. Mosley P.C.

Serving Kaufman and its contiguous Counties with over 30 Years Experience.A Respected Texas General Civil Litigation Law FirmExperienced Kaufman attorney delivering valuable legal solutionsFor 40 years, the Texas law firm of John D. Mosley, P.C. has provided quality counsel, and sound, cost-effective legal solutions to individuals, businesses and utility companies in Kaufman and surrounding counti…

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