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Lucas Córdova Ayuso

Updated: June 4th, 2022 | San Juan | Lawyer List L | Córdova & Dick LLC | Bankruptcy, Civil Litigation, Collections, Commercial Litigation, Foreclosures,

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Address: #403 Calle 12 de Octubre, Urb. El Vedado, san-juan, PR, 00918
Law Firm: Córdova & Dick, LLC
Phone: (787) 302-3047
Website: https://en.cordovadick.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBankruptcy, Commercial Litigation, Civil Litigation, Collections, Foreclosures
DescriptionLucas advises and represents title insurers in their work to solve complex notarial and Property Registry problems. Likewise, he represents and advises hospitals, loan companies, and other local companies in litigation before the courts of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the District Court of Puerto Rico. Lucas has also had an industrious bankruptcy practice representing banking institutions, creditors and Chapter 7 trustees in bankruptcy. A meticulous lawyer, Lucas brings a knowledge and computing capacity that is essential to his clients.
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Córdova & Dick LLC

Córdova & Dick, LLC advises businesses, governmental entities and individuals in Puerto Rico and the United States to help them compete in Puerto Rico’s business environment. The Firm’s principal goals are to provide the highest quality legal services available, to provide long-term solutions to the client’s legal needs and to be an instrumental part of each client’s success.The Firm stresses good results. To that end, Córdova & Dick, L…

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