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William D. Bishop

Updated: June 7th, 2022 | Phoenix | Lawyer List W | Bishop Law Office P.C. |

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Address: 7210 North 16th Street, phoenix, AZ, 85020-5201
Law Firm: Bishop Law Office, P.C.
Phone: 602-904-7587
Fax: 602-749-8502
Website: http://www.BishopLawOffice.com

TitleManaging Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Post Divorce Modification, Premarital Agreements, Paternity, Annulment, Spousal Support, Alimony, Community Property Law, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Relations, Domestic Violence, Family Mediation, Marital Agreements, Marital Property Distribution, Marital Property Law, Marital Property Settlements, Matrimonial Law, Grandparents Visitation Rights, Restraining Orders, Uncontested Divorce, Legal Separation, Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs), Visitation Rights
DescriptionBill Bishop has achieved the highest rating for legal ability in Martindale-Hubbell and is listed in the Bar Register of Pre-Eminent Attorneys. Additional awards include but are not limited to, Southwest Super Lawyers; Top 10 Attorney Award National Academy Of Family Law Attorneys; AVVO Top Rated; Arizona’s Finest Lawyers; Northwest Valley Magazine V alley’s Top Lawyers; American Registry Of Top Attorneys; Million Dollar Family Law Counsel. Mr. Bishop is the prior chair of the Maricopa County Family Law Section, and currently serves on the Executive Counsel Of The State Bar Of Arizona Family Law Section. Mr. Bishop is selected to speak at continuing legal education seminars each year designed to teach other family law attorneys intricate issues involved in divorce and family law cases, and is also involved with statewide family law legislation. Mr. Bishop is also a trained mediator and is on the Superior Court Mediation Roster. Mr. Bishop has also served as a Judge Pro-Tem for the Superior Court Of Arizona Family Court for many years.
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Bishop Law Office P.C.

Certified Family Law Specialist. Selected as Arizona’s Finest Lawyers.Bishop Law Office seeks to obtain the best results for its clients, and to provide quality family law services at a reasonable cost. We are committed to settling cases early in the proceedings without sacrificing our client’s interests. If litigation is necessary, Bishop Law Office attorneys are very experienced and aggressively seek to obtain the best results for our c…

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