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Jorge Cowley

Updated: June 9th, 2022 | Charlotte | Lawyer List J | Cowley Law Firm | Construction Law,

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Address: 12911 Low Meadow Court, charlotte, NC, 28277
Law Firm: Cowley Law Firm
Phone: 980-245-3595
Fax: 704-973-9544
Website: http://www.cowleylawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeConstruction Law
DescriptionJorge Cowley has owned and operated an engineering firm and a construction materials supply company. This experience gives him a special perspective and insight that enables him to represent these types of clients more effectively.Jorge Cowley has been retained as an expert witness in engineering and construction matters and, in that role, has been able to help other attorneys help their clients
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Cowley Law Firm

We have the legal knowledge and engineering expertise to handle your construction law needs.The Cowley Law Firm practices many aspects of civil law, including the areas listed below. We find solutions for individuals, small businesses, and corporations. With the Cowley Law Firm by your side, you can feel confident that your rights are being protected and your legal issues carefully analyzed. Attorney Jorge Cowley can help you with: …

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