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Steven C. James

Updated: July 4th, 2022 | El Paso | Lawyer List S | Steven C. James | Commercial Litigation, Construction Litigation, Wrongful Termination,

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Address: 521 Texas Avenue, el-paso, TX, 79901-1417
Law Firm: Steven C. James
Phone: 915-543-3234
Fax: 915-543-3237
Website: http://stevencjames.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Litigation, Wrongful Termination, Construction Litigation
DescriptionKeeton Fellows, Chancellor’s Council. Named, Texas Monthly Super Lawyer, 2006-2010.
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Steven C. James

El Paso’s Most Experienced Board Certified Consumer and Commercial LawyerMr. James is a well established civil trial litigator, mediator and arbitrator in El Paso, Texas. He has large-firm and corporate experience, along with the last thirteen years as a solo practitioner representing plaintiffs and defendants in a wide variety of lawsuits. Mr. James represents a number of individuals and small businesses as well as large international…

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