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Gary A. Norton

Updated: August 9th, 2022 | El Paso | Lawyer List G | Windle Hood Norton Brittain & Jay LLP | Litigation, Medical Malpractice,

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Address: 201 E. Main Drive, Suite 1350, el-paso, TX, 79901
Law Firm: Windle Hood Norton Brittain & Jay LLP
Phone: 915-545-4900
Fax: 915-545-4911
Website: http://www.windlehood.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation, Medical Malpractice
DescriptionPhi Kappa Phi. Named Outstanding Young Lawyer, 1999-2000. Speaker: ‘Lawsuit Abuse;’ ‘Texas Court System;’ ‘Legal Implications of Year 2000 Millennium Bug;’ ‘Unauthorized Practice of Law;’ ‘Personal Injury Law,’ 1996 to 2000 – El Paso Young Lawyers Association Law School for Non-Lawyers; ‘Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act of 1996 an Overview for Physicians,’ Del Sol and Las Palmas Medical Staffs, 2002; ‘Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act of 1996, One Month Left,’ Del Sol and Las Palmas Medical Staffs; ‘Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act of 1996, Group Health Plans,’ Lorman Educational Services, 2002; ‘Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act of 1996, General Overview,’ Lorman Educational Services, 2002; ‘DNR/Legal Implications at the End of Life,’ Ninth Annual Pallative Care Symposium, 2003.
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Windle Hood Norton Brittain & Jay LLP

Accomplished trial lawyers serving individuals and businesses in Texas and New Mexico. We focus on business disputes, appeals, construction defense, personal injury, products liability, wrongful discharge, defamation, and health care claims

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