Updated: October 7th, 2022 | San Jose | Lawyer List P | Matteoni O'Laughlin & Hechtman | Eminent Domain, Environmental Law, Planning and Land Use, Real Property, Zoning,
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Address: 848 The Alameda, san-jose, CA, 95126-3119
Law Firm: Matteoni, O’Laughlin & Hechtman
Phone: 408-293-4300
Fax: 408-293-4004
Website: http://www.Matteoni.com
Title | Partner |
First Year of Call | |
Areas of Practice | Real Property, Environmental Law, Zoning, Planning and Land Use, Eminent Domain |
Description | Eminent DomainPeggy M. O’Laughlin’s clients are primarily property and business owners and some condemning public agencies such as the County of San Diego, Redevelopment Agency for the City of Milpitas and the Salinas Union High School District. She is an experienced trial and appellate attorney. She served as co-chair of the Condemnation subcommittee of the Real Property of the State Bar of California and is a member of the Condemnation Attorneys Group. She contributed research and writing toCondemnation Practice in California.Land Use LawFor two years, Ms. O’Laughlin served as the Deputy City Attorney for the City of Cupertino and its Planning Commission. She chaired the Environmental Law Executive Committee of the Santa Clara County Bar Association. As a land use attorney, Ms. O’Laughlin has represented residential and commercial developers, major corporations and property owners and users through the land use entitlement process, including environmental compliance with CEQA and legal defense.Real Property and Telecommunications TransactionsMs. O’Laughlin represented Verizon Wireless (formerly GTE Mobilnet) (19862002) in more than 400 lease transactions in California, Oregon and Hawaii for the build-out of its cellular network. She also provided legal assistance to Verizon in obtaining the land use entitlements to establish its communication facilities and related litigation.Deputy City Attorney, City of Cupertino, 1986-1988. Deputy District Counsel, Sanitation District No. 4, Santa Clara County, 1986-1988. Consultant on Condemnation Chapter of ‘Office Leasing,’ Continuing Education of the Bar; U.S. News & World Report ‘Best Law Firms’ – Metropolitan First Tier Firm Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law, Land Use and Zoning Law (San Jose) 2010. Northern California Super Lawyer, 2010-2012. |
Matteoni, O’Laughlin & Hechtman is widely respected as one of the leading eminent domain condemnation), land use, real property and environmental law firms in California. Our specialized knowledge and extensive experience in these complex areas of law have allowed us to consistently provide favorable results for our clients.Founded in 1979 by Norman Matteoni author of Condemnation Practice in CaliforniaMatteoni, O’Laughlin & Hechtma…
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