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Bradley H. Clark

Updated: December 12th, 2022 | New Bern | Lawyer List B | Whitley Law Firm | Social Security Disability,

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Address: 701 McCarthy Boulevard, new-bern, NC, 28561
Law Firm: Whitley Law Firm
Phone: 252-633-6601
Fax: 252-635-6621
Website: http://www.whitleylawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeSocial Security Disability
DescriptionGolden Key International Honor Society. Member: National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives, 2008; National Organization of Veterans’ Advocates, 2009; North Carolina Advocates for Justice, 2009.
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Whitley Law Firm

The Whitley Law Firm is a law firm of Civil Justice attorneys. Over the last 34 years Bob Whitley has helped literally thousands of people, most of them everyday North Carolinians, navigate our complex legal system and obtain justice in our civil courts. As attorneys and members of the community, we take pride in helping our friends and neighbors Our lawyers will work hard for you, always telling you the truth and giving you the close, pers…

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