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Jool N. Kang

Updated: February 1st, 2023 | Atlanta | Lawyer List J | Deming Parker Hoffman Campbell & Daly L.L.C. | Criminal Law, General Practice, Immigration,

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Address: 2200 Century Parkway, Suite 800, atlanta, GA, 30345
Law Firm: Deming, Parker, Hoffman, Campbell & Daly, L.L.C.
Phone: 770-679-6126
Fax: 770-564-2267
Website: http://www.deminglaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeGeneral Practice, Immigration, Criminal Law
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Deming Parker Hoffman Campbell & Daly L.L.C.

AV Rated Full Service Law Firm Serving Georgia Since 1974The Firm’s practice is divided into three focus areas: Services for Business Clients, services for individual clients and a litigation group that supports both. Services to Business Clients include general corporate matters, interstate commerce, mergers, tax and bankruptcy. Services to Individual Clients include wrongful death, personal injury, worker’s compensation, bankruptcy,…

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