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Frederick L. Dorsey

Updated: February 28th, 2023 | Hartford | Lawyer List F | Kainen Escalera & McHale P.C. | Education Law, Labor and Employment,

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Address: 21 Oak Street, Suite 601, hartford, CT, 06106-8003
Law Firm: Kainen, Escalera & McHale, P.C.
Phone: 860-956-5260
Fax: (860) 493-0871
Website: http://www.kemlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEducation Law, Labor and Employment
DescriptionAuthor: An Analysis of the No-Strike Clause in Contemporary Collective Bargaining Agreements, Western New England Law Review, Vol. 7, ISS. 2, 1984. Bridgeport University, Bridgeport, CT School of Law, 2010-13. Formerly with Siegel, O’Connor, O’Donnell & Beck, PC
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Kainen Escalera & McHale P.C.

Your Workplace Is Our Business. Representing Employers in Labor, Employment and Education Law.Kainen, Escalera & McHale, P.C. provides effective legal counsel throughout Hartford County. Located in Hartford, our firm skillfully handles Labor and Employment matters. We provide outstanding advice and advocacy.

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