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Carolyn Pearson

Updated: March 11th, 2023 | Portland | Lawyer List C | Keating Jones Hughes P.C. | Medical Malpractice Defense,

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Address: 200 SW Market Street, Suite 900, portland, OR, 97201
Law Firm: Keating Jones Hughes, P.C.
Phone: 866-919-5719
Fax: 503-796-0699
Website: http://www.keatingjones.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMedical Malpractice Defense
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Keating Jones Hughes P.C.

For over thirty years, our lawyers have had a principal role in shaping Oregon law regarding the provision of healthcare and the reach of professional liability.Keating Jones Hughes, P.C., is respected as a leader among Oregon defense firms. With a focus on litigation, defending medical, healthcare and other professionals, our lawyers bring exceptional trial experience to the courtroom. Hospitals, physicians and other healthcare providers…

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