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Janice C. Sheftel

Updated: April 22nd, 2023 | Durango | Lawyer List J | Maynes Bradford Shipps & Sheftel LLP | Real Estate,

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Address: 835 East 2nd Ave., durango, CO, 81301
Law Firm: Maynes, Bradford, Shipps & Sheftel LLP
Phone: 970-317-2643
Fax: 970-247-8827
Website: http://www.mbssllp.com

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate
DescriptionPhi Beta Kappa; Beta Phi Mu; Order of the Coif. Member, University of Toledo Law Review, 1984-1985; Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1990-1999.
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Maynes Bradford Shipps & Sheftel LLP

Maynes, Bradford, Shipps & Sheftel LLP provides effective legal counsel throughout La Plata County. Located in Durango, our firm skillfully handles Banking Law, Business Law and Real Estate matters. We provide outstanding advice and advocacy.

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