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William R. Sweeney

Updated: May 8th, 2023 | New London | Lawyer List W | Tobin Carberry O'Malley Riley & Selinger P.C. | Business Organization, Commercial Real Estate, Planning and Land Use, Zoning,

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Address: 43 Broad Street, new-london, CT, 06320
Law Firm: Tobin, Carberry, O’Malley, Riley & Selinger, P.C.
Phone: 860-447-0335
Fax: 860-442-3469
Website: http://www.tcors.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeZoning, Planning and Land Use, Commercial Real Estate, Business Organization
DescriptionCity Planner, City of Norwich, Connecticut (1999-2004); Member, Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association Executive Committee (2002-2004); Member, New London County Bar Association Board of Directors (2012-2014); Co-President, Eastern Connecticut Chamber of Commerce Leadership Program (2013-2014).
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Tobin Carberry O'Malley Riley & Selinger P.C.

Attorneys at LawSince its founding in 1963, the Firm of Tobin, Carberry, O’Malley, Riley & Selinger, P.C. has grown to include 12 attorneys, each dedicated to providing quality legal counseling to our clients. Each member of our Firm adds value to our organization through our diverse professional backgrounds and through our individual practice concentrations, which allows us to offer our clients thorough, all-encompassing legal services….

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