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Patricia Hall

Updated: June 13th, 2023 | Rockford | Lawyer List P | WilliamsMcCarthy LLP | Civil Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Labor and Employment, Trademarks,

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Address: 120 W. State Street, 4th Floor, rockford, IL, 61105
Law Firm: WilliamsMcCarthy, LLP
Phone: 815-987-8948
Fax: 815-968-0019
Website: http://www.wilmac.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Labor and Employment, Commercial Litigation, Trademarks
DescriptionPatricia focuses her practice on workers’ compensation, employment & labor, casualty/tort litigation, and appellate advocacy. Following graduation from law school, Patricia was selected to serve as the Illinois Bar Foundation/NIU College of Law attorney fellow placed in the Zeke Giorgi Clinic in Rockford. Her fellowship focused on representing clients in domestic violence, family law matters, and estate planning. Prior to joining WilliamsMcCarthy LLP, Patricia practiced in the areas of workers’ compensation defense and appellate advocacy. Patricia is admitted to practice in the State of Illinois, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. She is a member of the American Bar Association (ABA), Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA), Winnebago County Bar Association (WCBA), and the Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel. Public Speaking One’s path into the Legal ProfessionGoodwill Industries of Northern Illinois’ GoodGRADS Class (Rockford) 2017Lenny Mandell Moot Court Competition ChampionNorthern Illinois University 2015National Latino/a Law Students Association Moot Court Competition Semi FinalistNorthwestern University 2015 National Latino/a Law Students Association Moot Court Competition Quarter FinalistTexas Tech 2014 Professional Recognition Illinois Bar Foundation Postdoctoral fellow (2016-2017) Northern Illinois University College of Law recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to the College of Law Community Award (2015) Northern Illinois University recipient of the Outstanding Woman Student Award (2015) Publications Judicial Reviews in the New World of eFiling, Illinois Defense Counsel Quarterly (2018) Paying Temporary Total Disability Benefits After Retirement? Below the Red Line, Heyl Royster Workers’ Compensation Newsletter (2017) Pro Bono Pro bono attorney for the Prairie State Legal Services Domestic Violence Volunteer Lawyer Program
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Meeting the Business and Personal Legal Needs of Northern Illinois for over 80 Years.Since its beginning over 80 years ago, WilliamsMcCarthy has grown to become one of the largest full service firms in Illinois outside of Chicago. We are a Regional firm that represents a broad cross section of business, industrial, governmental, health care, financial, insurance and individual interests. Our business clients, many of whom operate on a reg…

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