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Jessica A. Smith

Updated: July 16th, 2023 | Sharon | Lawyer List J | Ekker Kuster McCall & Epstein LLP | Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property,

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Address: 68 Buhl Boulevard, sharon, PA, 16146
Law Firm: Ekker, Kuster, McCall & Epstein LLP
Phone: 724-734-4815
Fax: (724) 981-2007
Website: http://www.ekmelaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeIntellectual Property, Commercial Litigation
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Ekker Kuster McCall & Epstein LLP

Mercer County’s Largest Law Firm.Ekker, Kuster, McCall & Epstein LLP, Mercer County’s largest law firm, with 11 experienced lawyers and a qualified staff, provides a diversified range of legal services to individuals, businesses, nonprofit corporations, partnerships and governmental entities throughout the Shenango Valley, Western Pennsylvania, and Eastern Ohio. Through alliances with regional and national law firms and the use of modern…

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