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Michael R. Glover

Updated: December 17th, 2023 | Phoenix | Lawyer List M | Van Cott & Talamante PLLC |

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Address: 3030 North Third Street, phoenix, AZ, 85012
Law Firm: Van Cott & Talamante, PLLC
Phone: 602-638-2394
Fax: (602) 257-9180
Website: http://www.vancotttalamante.com

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Business Litigation, Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Trial Practice
DescriptionMember, California Law Review, 1981-1982. Author: ‘The Right To Privacy of Prospective Jurors During Voir Dire,’ California Law Review, Vol. 70, No. 3, May, 1982. Member, Board of Directors, Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest, 1990-1991. Adjunct Professor, Arizona State University Law School, 1988. Faculty Member, National Institute for Trial Advocacy, 2002.
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Van Cott & Talamante PLLC

A Commercial Litigation FirmVan Cott & Talamante, PLLC provides qualified counsel on complex business and commercial matters, and effectively handles all types of civil litigation in both the federal and state courts. We do not believe that ‘bigger is better’ in the area of legal services, but rather offer personalized legal services where the attorneys working on the file are intimately familiar with both the client and the specifics of…

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