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Jim Carey

Updated: December 21st, 2023 | Weirton | Lawyer List J | Jim Carey Law Firm |

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Address: 3169 Main Street, Suite B, weirton, WV, 26062
Law Firm: Jim Carey Law Firm
Phone: 304-491-4512
Website: https://www.jimcareylawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury, Slip and Fall, Wrongful Death, Family Law, Social Security Disability, Estate Planning
DescriptionJim has practiced law since 1995. He has tried numerous cases to verdict. He has assisted people injured in car accidents, injured on the job, or simply unable to work because of poor health, obtain the benefits they deserve from insurance companies, employers, and the Social Security Administration. Jim also has an active family law practice. He knows he needs to fight vigorously for his client, but also believes a speedy resolution is frequently in his client’s best interests. Jim can also help you with estate planning and administration. Jim is a lifelong resident of the Ohio Valley. He graduated from Madonna High School, Wheeling Jesuit University, and received his law degree from West Virginia University in 1994, where he was an editor of the West Virginia Law Review. Jim offers free consultations for Social Security, Personal Injury, and Workers’ Compensation claims.
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Jim Carey Law Firm

At Jim Carey Law Firm, we focus on representing individuals throughout Follansbee, Hancock and Brooke Counties. Due to Mr. Carey’s experience and background, the firm handles a wide range of complex cases and receives many referrals. Whatever legal concerns you may have, you want to be ready if you have to go to court. As experienced trial lawyer, James T. Carey is ready to help you with your legal problems in Personal Injury, Family Law, Social…

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