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Joseph Wendell Carlisle

Updated: January 20th, 2024 | Lake Oswego | Lawyer List J | Buckley Law P.C. | Business Law, Civil Litigation, Health Care,

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Address: 5300 Meadows Road, Suite 200, lake-oswego, OR, 97035
Law Firm: Buckley Law P.C.
Phone: 503-683-7830
Website: http://www.buckley-law.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Health Care, Business Law
DescriptionJoe Carlisle is a shareholder in the firm’s litigation practice group and regularly represents clients in state and federal courts, at both the trial and appellate level. Joe’s practice is focused primarily on business disputes, although he also represents clients in securities litigation, employment litigation, healthcare matters, breach of contract and fraud claims, and anti-trust and RICO litigation. In addition to individuals and closely-held family businesses, Joe has represented local, regional, national and international businesses and associations.
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Buckley Law P.C.

Buckley Law is a Full-Service Law Firm in Lake Oswego, Oregon dedicated to helping our clients achieve success in their personal and professional lives.Buckley Law is a Pacific Northwest law firm dedicated to helping our clients achieve success in their personal and professional lives. Since the early 1980s, Buckley Law has provided a broad range of specialized services in business and commercial law, employment and labor law, real estate…

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