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D. Hardison Wood

Updated: December 5th, 2020 | Cary | Lawyer List D | Law Office of D. Hardison Wood |

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Address: 1400 Crescent Green Drive, Suite 140, cary, NC, 27518
Law Firm: Law Office of D. Hardison Wood
Phone: (919) 739-3643
Fax: 919-233-0521
Website: http://www.hardisonwood.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Brain Injury, Catastrophic Injury, Head Injury, Severe Burns, Spinal Injury, Wrongful Death, Motor Vehicle Accidents and Injuries, Products Liability, Accidents, Automobile Accidents and Injuries, Automobile Negligence, Bicycle Accidents, Bodily Injury, Boating Accidents, Bus Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Pedestrian Injuries, Plaintiffs Personal Injury, School Bus Accidents, Traumatic Brain Injury, Whiplash, Child Sexual Abuse
DescriptionRue Ratings’ Best Attorney recipient, Litigator Award recipient, Super Lawyers Rising Star 2015, author and co-editor of Chapters 24 and 30 of North Carolina Prima Facie Torts Manual, 6th edition (2014), Co-Author, ‘Measuring Value in Mediation: A Case Study of Workplace Mediation in City Government,’ Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution, Vol. 21:2, pages 383-402. 2006. Speaking Engagements: Ethics in Insurance Coverage Disputes, NBI CLE, (2008); Duty to Investigate: Ins & Outs of Ethics In Auto Torts, NCAJ CLE (2008); Theories of Products Liability in Motorcycle Accidents, NYBA CLE (2009); Preemption & Motor Vehicle Defects, NCAJ CLE Fall Seminar (2009); Statute of Repose Update & Emerging Motor Vehicle Defects, NCAJ CLE (Spring 2010), Emerging Defects in the motor vehicle industry, TRIAL BRIEFS (2011), Recent changes to Rule 702 of the NC Rules of Evidence, NCAJ CLE (2012), Personal Injury from Start to Finish, NBI CLE (2013), Using Daubert as a Sword & Shield: Expert Testimony in North Carolina Post McGrady, NCAJ CLE (2014).
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Law Office of D. Hardison Wood

Tel: 919-233-0520; Personal injury, auto accidents, products liability, catastrophic injury, wrongful death, business litigation & partnership issues. Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Chapel Hill and all of N. Carolina. www.hardisonwood.comThe Law Office of D. Hardison Wood is a Cary, NC based law firm serving Charlotte, Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and all of North Carolina. Our representation focuses on: wrongful death, crashworthin…

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