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A. Craig Eiland

Updated: November 30th, 2021 | Galveston | Lawyer List A | Eiland & Bonnin PC |

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Address: 2200 Market Street, Suite 501, galveston, TX, 77550
Law Firm: Eiland & Bonnin, PC
Phone: 409-877-7338
Fax: 409-763-8154
Website: https://www.eilandlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Law, Commercial Law, Commercial Litigation, Business Litigation, Plaintiffs Personal Injury, Products Liability, Class Actions, Toxic Torts, Personal Injury, Insurance Litigation, Construction Accidents, Wrongful Death, Boating Accidents, Automobile Accidents, Trucking Accidents
DescriptionCraig Eiland grew up in a farming and ranching family in west Texas and is an accomplished and respected trial lawyer, who has represented clients throughout the U.S. — as well as internationally. In addition, he has over 20 years of experience in the Texas House of Representatives. During his tenure as an elected official, he served as Chairman of the Pensions and Investments Committee and Vice Chairman of the Insurance and Juvenile Justice and Family Issues Committees. He was also a member of the Business and Industry; Appropriations; and State, Federal and International Relations Committees. As a personal injury advocate, Mr. Eiland has represented clients injured while working offshore or in the petrochemical industry, traveling in a car or truck, or from ingesting a defective drug. He is dedicated to his clients and is not intimidated by the large Fortune 500 companies that he holds accountable for their negligence. He can represent you as a sole practitioner or partner with a law firm that needs a successful trial litigator. In his practice of civil and commercial litigation, Craig Eiland also handles cases that involve maritime and admiralty issues, breach of fiduciary duty and insurance claim disputes. While he prepares all of his cases for trial, he also handles cases in arbitration to resolve all types of legal matters.
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Eiland & Bonnin PC

Experienced Lawyers With A Reputation For Skill, Integrity & Personal Service Throughout The State of Texas & NationwideAt Eiland & Bonnin, PC, we have a reputation for skill and integrity. We handle a variety of large and small cases throughout the state of Texas. From personal injury matters to Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) and mass tort litigation, we take pride in our broad knowledge of the law and innovative trial strate…

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