US Law List is a comprehensive online directory of American Lawyers, attorneys, barristers, solicitors and law firms that helps consumers and small business find a lawyer/law firm information, such as firm profiles, practice areas, address, phone, website, related legal profession services, map, and driving direction, are listed when available. provides trusted resource and links to experienced, local lawyers with a wide range of expertise including marriage, divorce, real estate, criminal, civil, patent, intellectual property, notary public, barrister, solicitor, family, trademark, small business, corporation, adoption, arbitration, bankruptcy, as well as many more.
We are continuously improving the listing accuracy and convenience of our services. We keep updating information of lawyers and law firms as well. The lawyers lists are organized by city, province and the name of law firm. The profile of a lawyer includes contact details, law office detail and law firm website. You can quickly search the profile of a lawyer, law firm, barrister & solicitor by putting your search query in search box. Or click on any tab to find a American lawyer, attorney, law firm by city, and province. If you would like us to include a lawyer or law firm not listed here, simply visit our add a lawyer. If you notice something wrong with any of our listings such as Incorrect Contact Information, Invalid Phone Number or Website Address, and Spelling errors, please contact us.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided on is not legal advice. is open to the public. There is no way to know who is genuinely a client of a lawyer. has no responsibility for material representations by anonymous and unverifiable third parties, including lawyers who post reviews of their own firm, or who post negative reviews about other licensees. The reviews published here are not presented to mislead the public into believing that any one lawyer is superior or inferior to another.